the songs in me

I don’t know since when, how, and why
lyrics of songs I knew
keep on popping at unforeseen moments
keep on ringing back and forth inside my head
keep on reminding me of old memories

when I saw a student with a blank stare
while others nodding enthusiastically
Claude Michel Schronberg and Alain Boublil’s
“Why God? Show Your hand
Why can't one guy understand?”
rang inside my head
(to all my students reading this: I am NOT referring to you :-))

when I drove through Jalan Cipaganti
with all those tall trees on the two sides of the street
Joyce Kilmer’s
“I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest against the earth's sweet flowing breast
a tree that looks at God all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray
A tree that may in Summer wear a nest of robins in her hair
upon whose bosom snow has lain who intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.”

unexpectedly popped in my mind

when I watched one of the parliament’s sessions on telie
I heard Andrew Lloyd Webber’s
“Masquerade! Paper faces on parade
Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Masquerade! Every face a different shade
Masquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you!”

when I heard the song by Cokelat
“merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini!”
my mind went to the moment
when our choir was awarded silver medal at the Olympics
all those mixed feelings…

and you know what,
these kind of experiences are
the ones that keep on motivating me to
keep on learning new songs, melodious songs with meaningful lyrics

“Music, the gift of the supreme God, draws men, draws gods
Music makes savage souls gentle and uplifts sad minds
Music moves the very trees and wild beasts.”

-- from Musica dei Donum – Orlando di Lasso (1594)

penciled by -rino @ 2:22 PM


At 15/3/05 5:46 PM, Blogger Merlyna commented...

wow... you have tons of 'lyrics' in your head!
i don't really experience that. my brain is mostly full of melodies, music without lyrics...
can i borrow your brain sometimes?..:P

At 18/3/05 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous commented...

hai rino,

nyampe kesini dari blognya melly..
baca your songs in your head malah bikin aku inget lagunya nemo
"just keep singing..singing..singing" :D


At 21/3/05 3:35 PM, Blogger -rino commented...

mer, bukannya "borrow"-mem"borrow" sudah terjadi dengan mars dan hymne... yang kayak gitu wajib inget tuh... hehe

intan, lagu nemo emang bikin hepi ya. pasti sering denger bareng si kecil (aduh, namanya sapa ya, pokonya nama sungai di amiens kan?)

At 21/3/05 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous commented...

namanya Sandra Ri ;) kalau mau baca cerita2nya di
dan lagunya nemo aslinya kan *keep swimming*, baca postinganmu jadi yg terbayang *keep singing :D*

Ri, kalo bosennya pas duduk di kantor gimana, masa mau nonton dipidi, keliling2 naik mobil.. jadi aja yg kepikir *Dan Brown* lagi :P

btw, mau dong jadi muridmu, TA Cryptography *udah pusing nih sama Derived Category :P* buku yg bagus apa ya ? Aku sih skrg lg baca J.Buchmann, Undergraduate Text in Maths, Introduction to Cryptography


At 22/3/05 12:09 PM, Blogger -rino commented...

tan, kemaren aku udah ngelongok blognya Ara. udah gede ya, tapi kok ga mirip kamu ato andry sih?

buku cryptography yang bagus menurut aku yang ditulis my academic grandmother (bukan kkn lho :D), Jenny Sebbery and Pieprzyk, "Cryptography: An Introduction to Computer Security"

Derived Category?? apaan tuh... hehe...


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