to write a poem or not to write a poem

last night in a chat,
Myrfa told me that she didn’t know that I write poems.

well, I don’t. at least I think that I don’t.
I don’t remember I ever wrote a single poem.
but I do write stories,
most of which have personal meanings.
and, in this blog, they are usually presented in a “poem-like style”
(if such a word exists)

I grew fond of the style
after reading e-mails by pak Hasanuddin Z. Abidin’s,
a lecturer in Geodetic Engineering ITB,
whom I’ve never met in person, btw.

I remember the time when I received close to 150 e-mails a day,
most of which written in long sentences and paragraphs.
pak Hasan’s e-mails was such a treat.
I like his ideas and agree to most of them,
but I like the way he wrote even more.

It was pleasant to read,
easier to grasp and understand,
and, usually, speaks straight to the points.

A poem should not mean
But be
--from Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish

penciled by -rino @ 5:10 PM


At 8/4/05 6:47 PM, Blogger Merlyna commented...

hehe.. lucu. rino nulis stories dalam baris2 poem. aku kadang nulis poems kayak nulis story (ngga ada baris2-nya tapi langsung aja).
ya, jadi ya terserah yg baca aja kan ya. poeming the prose or prosing the poem...:)

At 12/4/05 12:55 PM, Blogger -rino commented...

wah mer, poeming the prose bagus tuh jadi judul post ini. :-)

At 12/4/05 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous commented...

I like your 'poems style'
enak dibaca spt emailsnya pak Hasan ;)



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