It takes 6 for a perfect performance

our vocal instructor played a song performed by a then unknown group
and told us that this is what a vocal group suppose to sound.
The sound of the song was beautifully touching,
even for us eleventh graders who didn’t know much about
vocal technique, harmony, and composition.
It was love at the first encounter
which made me tried to find out more about the group.
This results in buying three albums during the next couple of years,
which then replaced by CDs when CDs started to be “in fashion”.
And the collection kept on growing until the ninth CD “Beautiful World”.
Last Saturday,
I heard again the

The difference was then I could see the owners of those sounds for the very first time
and witness how their live performances can really touch people’s hearts.
When they sang “What the world need now is love”,
it seemed like I went back
to that first moment I heard a song (“The Quiet Place”, as I found out later)
by the amazing Take 6.
I know that I am not the same eleventh grader anymore,

and I have learned more about music and vocal technique through the years (Well, at least I should’ve learned).
Now I can hear a perfect pitch intonation that never once got out of tune,
songs’ compositions that have high difficulties with such close chords,
those well-in-time attacks and releases although no one was giving signs.
(Yea, timing should be from within. All we have to do is sing in one heart. I realize now that you are right, Pak Indra.)
I also hear dynamics that unites with the expressions of the songs,
vocal balance although they continually take turn in singing the melody,
and those 6 beautiful voices that amalgamates to become the one voice of Take 6.
(Probably it wasn’t really 6, there were 2 or 3 over tunes in some particular chords. But, hey, that’s another thing.)
It’s just like listen to their perfect recordings.
Only it’s much much bet

Because last Saturday I can hear new arrangements for some favorite songs,
see 6 people communicate to each other through music.And also I can see how they truly believe in a message; and with their skill and love for music they try to spread this message to each and everyone in the audience. And you know what, the message is about love, the very same thing that drew me to become a Take 6’s fan 16 years ago.
So Take 6, wherever you are;

(I’m sure you guys won’t be reading this, though)
I just want to thank you for the things that I had privilege to be part of last weekend:
about being confident in boldly declaring what we believe in,
about how it is important to be good in what we do
so that our message will be better accepted by others,
about not to be afraid to rise for a better and better bar
since, hey, you’ve shown us that almost perfect is not impossible,
and off course,
about how to give others attention and be humble no matter who we are.
You guys have been such a blessing,
may God bless you in everything that you do.
Something within me that hold the rain
Something within me that vanishes pain
Something within me that I can't explain
All I know I thank my God I’ve got something within me
from “Something within me” sung by Take 6
- At 8/3/06 10:49 AM, Pojok Hablay commented...
gila deh, rin, bacanya aja gue ampe merinding lagi, nginget gimana take6 nyanyi. kalau dateng lagi, definetely will watch!
- At 9/3/06 10:30 AM, Hast commented...
Rin... bagusan mana sama vocal groupnya PPIA Newcastle?
- At 9/3/06 10:33 AM, Merlyna commented...
wah... keren, No! Take6 emang tiada duanya...
btw, meni gaya, difoto satu2 euy... btw, engga foto sama 6-6 nya? - At 9/3/06 10:42 AM, commented...
hi ri.., udah lama ga kontek-kontek, surprise bgt liat foto-foto loe.. k deh enjoy ur life ya n take care...!
- At 9/3/06 4:51 PM, -rino commented...
mel: bener yah, definitely will watch. kayaknya sih mereka impressed dg penonton indonesia, moga2 balik lagi deh. apalagi kalo promo album bisa dateng, duh seneng banget.
mas hast: sama-sama bagus, mas... hehe... tapi ga bisa dibandingkan atuh...
mer: poto sendiri2 aja udah susah ngejar2nya, apalagi yang bareng. claude mcknight sama alvin chea aja kelewatan ga kepoto.
mas/mba anonymous: iki sopo yo? - At 10/3/06 10:49 AM, commented...
Akhirnya bisa membaca reportase lengkapnya.... wah wah... asyik banget ya... unforgetable concert experience