the five weird (not weirdest) things

some days ago, mer tagged me to do a list of five weird things about me. a tag game which have been going on for a while on the blog world; I never thought that it will eventually came to me though.

anyway, mer hoped that this thingy will "force" me to blog (again). well, may this be a jump restart for the blog and may this will do my writing spirit good.

so here we go… the five weird things of me… (mind you, these are not the weirdest ;))

one. my brain is such a weird place. sometimes I just can’t divide my attention from one thing to another. my sister always says that when I’m reading something, my ears are shut even if there’s someone screaming for help. but on other times, I just can easily turn my attention away. when I talk, I just can change topic and completely forget what I talked about before. embarrassingly, this already happened several times in classes :P

two. I grew up hoping and dreaming to be an architect; and turn up becoming a mathematician instead. (so this is weird, huh??!!)

three. and now I’m surrounded by people who studied (and graduated) architecture but then do completely different things with their lives. from internet celebrity to children’s right activist to conductor-event organizer-quilt designer (3-in-1). even my li’l sis might as well change direction, she’s pursuing further study in urban development (or something like that).

the next thing seems to be more dangerous than weird, I suppose…

four. I’m generally a good driver, but the thing is, driving sometimes makes me sleepy. so from time to time I can be found taking a 5-10 seconds nap while driving.

and… the fifth and the last thingy is a little bit untranslatable (or so I think).

lima. aku punya 2 helai janggot di dago nu kudu dicabutan dua pagi sekali (meureun masih aya keturunan embek).

so there it is. and now it's time to pick the next "victim". hehe...
the tag...
goes to...
(drum rolling sound)
(clapping sound)
hope this will "force" her to start coming to choir practice again
(huh??!! told ya, my brain is a weird place :P)

when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
- Hunter S. Thompson

penciled by -rino @ 3:34 PM


At 23/2/06 4:29 PM, Blogger Merlyna commented...

hahaha... akhirnya.. si eneng turun gunung.. mbeeeeeek....:))))

At 23/2/06 9:50 PM, Blogger Myr commented...

welcome back madame !!! selamat..selamat.. :-)

At 24/2/06 10:48 AM, Blogger Pojok Hablay commented...

wah, gue kena dua kali, musti buruan dibuat ini mah :)

At 6/3/06 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous commented...

waaa.. jadi ngeri kalo disetirin Rino..



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