in a mathematical state of mind
for those of you who love math,
or hate math,
or are not sure on how to react towards math,
I have opened a new blog
dedicated to the things that I’ve learned when doing math
please come and visit
and I hope you’ll enjoy it!
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple,
it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
~John Louis von Neumann
- At 12/4/05 3:03 PM, Myr commented...
Wooooww!! That's a great idea, Rino :-)Oke deee, web barunya gue link juga yaa. Waiting for your new posts on mathematic. Good luck!
- At 12/4/05 4:55 PM, commented...
nice new blog, I really like the layout ! can't wait to see the postings ;)
intan - At 13/4/05 3:21 PM, commented...
permisi, kak rino yang di milis ciat juga yah?
salam kenal.. aku ikut milis ciat tapi blum pernah ketemu kakak *maaf kalo salah orang yah?*
GBU.. - At 14/4/05 10:47 AM, -rino commented...
myr & intan: postingnya ntar yah... musti ngoreksi dulu... hehehe...
clodi: salam kenal juga... dan emang betul, dulu sekali gue dijebak seseorang sehingga ada di milist ciat-ciatan tersebut. kalo kamu gimana? terjebak juga apa emang menyediakan diri? ;-)